We are performing at the National Volleyball Tournament Opening Ceremony!

Te Puawai Performance
When:                 Sunday 23 March
Time:                     6.30pm arrival time
Where:                 Arena Manawatu
Why:                     Opening Ceremony for National Volleyball Tournament
This is a great chance for our senior tamariki to showcase their talent.
Costumes will be issued on Friday 21 March
Please come to the venue dressed ready to perform.  We will be singing 4 songs, and then leaving the venue, so parents you will need to wait and collect your children after we perform.  You will be able to view the performance.
Costumes to be returned to Mrs Mercer on Monday 24 March
To help with organisation please confirm if your child will be able to attend the performance by returning this slip to the office by Wednesday 19 March.
Yours sincerely
Kelly Mercer and the Te Puawai Team

Te Puawai Performance
YES!  My child _____________________________________ of LC _____________

Is available for the performance for the National Volleyball tournament on Sunday 23 March
